
Pluto Encrypted

Is a community maintained project which aims to bring a scalable and future proof storage solution for Wallet SDK on typescript. By using this package you can ensure that this dependency will fit the AtalaPrism wallet SDK contract and provide the SDK with storage finally.


Edge SDK Pluto interface v4.0.0

export interface Pluto {

storeCredentialMetadata(metadata: Anoncreds.CredentialRequestMeta, linkSecret: Anoncreds.LinkSecret): Promise<void>;

fetchCredentialMetadata(linkSecretName: string): Promise<Anoncreds.CredentialRequestMeta | null>;

start(): Promise<void>;

storePrismDID(did: DID, keyPathIndex: number, privateKey: PrivateKey, privateKeyMetaId: string | null, alias?: string): Promise<void>;

storePeerDID(did: DID, privateKeys: Array<PrivateKey>): Promise<void>;

storeDIDPair(host: DID, receiver: DID, name: string): Promise<void>;

storeMessage(message: Message): Promise<void>;

storeMessages(messages: Array<Message>): Promise<void>;

storePrivateKeys(privateKey: PrivateKey, did: DID, keyPathIndex: number, metaId: string | null): Promise<void>;

storeMediator(mediator: DID, host: DID, routing: DID): Promise<void>;

storeCredential(credential: Credential): Promise<void>;

getAllPrismDIDs(): Promise<PrismDIDInfo[]>;

getDIDInfoByDID(did: DID): Promise<PrismDIDInfo | null>;

getDIDInfoByAlias(alias: string): Promise<PrismDIDInfo[]>;

getPrismDIDKeyPathIndex(did: DID): Promise<number | null>;

getPrismLastKeyPathIndex(): Promise<number>;

getAllPeerDIDs(): Promise<Array<PeerDID>>;

getDIDPrivateKeysByDID(did: DID): Promise<Array<PrivateKey>>;

getDIDPrivateKeyByID(id: string): Promise<PrivateKey | null>;

getAllDidPairs(): Promise<Array<DIDPair>>;

getPairByDID(did: DID): Promise<DIDPair | null>;

getPairByName(name: string): Promise<DIDPair | null>;

getAllMessages(): Promise<Array<Message>>;

getAllMessagesByDID(did: DID): Promise<Array<Message>>;

getAllMessagesSent(): Promise<Array<Message>>;

getAllMessagesReceived(): Promise<Array<Message>>;

getAllMessagesSentTo(did: DID): Promise<Array<Message>>;

getAllMessagesReceivedFrom(did: DID): Promise<Array<Message>>;

getAllMessagesOfType(type: string, relatedWithDID?: DID): Promise<Array<Message>>;

getAllMessagesByFromToDID(from: DID, to: DID): Promise<Array<Message>>;

getMessage(id: string): Promise<Message | null>;

getAllMediators(): Promise<Array<Mediator>>;

getAllCredentials(): Promise<Array<Credential>>;

getLinkSecret(linkSecretName?: string): Promise<Anoncreds.LinkSecret | null>;

storeLinkSecret(linkSecret: Anoncreds.LinkSecret, linkSecretName: string): Promise<void>;

We currently support database wrappers for IndexDB, InMemory and are working together to bring you level-db with electron compatibility. We are not going to stop here but ensure that our SDK can be used in any platform and language.

Documentation & Contribution Guidelines

The pluto encrypted documentation is always available on all branches HERE but we have also deployed an online version of documentation.

Go to documentation portal here

Pull requests are WELCOME!! please check the Contribution guidelines first

How to use

We currently provide 3 database storages - InMemory, IndexDB, and LevelDB. In order to use this package, you must first install the database and pass a storage engine.

npm i @pluto-encrypted/database --save
npm i @pluto-encrypted/inmemory --save
# or npm i @pluto-encrypted/indexdb --save
# or npm i @pluto-encrypted/leveldb --save


import InMemory from "@pluto-encrypted/inmemory";
import { Database } from "@pluto-encrypted/database";
import {
} from "@pluto-encrypted/schemas";
//default password must be 32 bytes long
const defaultPassword = new Uint8Array(32).fill(1);
const database = db = await Database.createEncrypted<{
dids: DIDCollection;
didpairs: DIDPairCollection;
mediators: MediatorCollection;
privatekeys: PrivateKeyColletion;
credentials: CredentialCollection;
credentialrequestmetadatas: CredentialRequestMetadataCollection;
linksecrets: LinkSecretColletion;
messages: MessageColletion;
name: `my-db`,
encryptionKey: defaultPassword,
storage: InMemory,
collections: getDefaultCollections()


import IndexDB from "@pluto-encrypted/indexdb";
import { Database } from "@pluto-encrypted/database";
import {
} from "@pluto-encrypted/schemas";
//default password must be 32 bytes long
const defaultPassword = new Uint8Array(32).fill(1);
const database = db = await Database.createEncrypted<{
dids: DIDCollection;
didpairs: DIDPairCollection;
mediators: MediatorCollection;
privatekeys: PrivateKeyColletion;
credentials: CredentialCollection;
credentialrequestmetadatas: CredentialRequestMetadataCollection;
linksecrets: LinkSecretColletion;
messages: MessageColletion;
name: `my-db`,
encryptionKey: defaultPassword,
storage: IndexDB,
collections: getDefaultCollections()


import { createLevelDBStorage } from "@pluto-encrypted/leveldb";
import { Database } from "@pluto-encrypted/database";
//default password must be 32 bytes long
const defaultPassword = new Uint8Array(32).fill(1);
const database = db = await Database.createEncrypted<{
dids: DIDCollection;
didpairs: DIDPairCollection;
mediators: MediatorCollection;
privatekeys: PrivateKeyColletion;
credentials: CredentialCollection;
credentialrequestmetadatas: CredentialRequestMetadataCollection;
linksecrets: LinkSecretColletion;
messages: MessageColletion;
name: `my-db`,
encryptionKey: defaultPassword,
storage: createLevelDBStorage({
dbName: "demo",
dbPath: "/tmp/demo"
collections: getDefaultCollections()